1. Accept people as they are. Love them no matter what. Forgive them for what they do to you.

    Acceptance: Accept the fact that anything can happen in life and around you. You can only control the decisions you make each second of the day and night of what you want to do. Outside of that, you have no control, but to accept whatever happens in the world and hoping you can deal with it. Once you do and accept life's adventures and surprises, you will be able to enjoy life, move on, take the next step, and complete the journey to fulfillment.

    Loving and Kindness: Love one another as you would want to be loved...with kindness, peace, and understanding. Accept love from others who are willing to take the time to be kind to you...because they love you and want you to be happy...no worries, no rush, no fear...just happiness, understanding, patience, and willingness to spread the same feelings of love, kindness, and happiness to others around you.

    Forgiveness: Learn to forgive one another. Especially, if they treat you wrong, badly, and create sad, angry, feelings inside of you. Let the emotions pass, take the time to understand what happened, to reflect on the moment, to empathize with that person, accept that person, continue to be kind to that person, then forgive that person for what they did to you, since you do not know that person's circumstances, what he/she is currently going through, that may have caused he/she to treat you badly. Forgive...forget...continue on...take the next step in life on the road to salvation, fulfillment, and happiness. Jesus Christ accepted his fate, continued to love others, and lastly, forgave those that put him on the cross. Let us learn from his experience, follow him, imitate him, and continue to spread his loving words, stories, experiences to others so everyone you meet has a chance to be touched by the Holy Spirit. Peace be with You!!!

  2. Evangelize: Just like you need good food to feed your body and keep it in tip top shape, you need spiritual food to feed your mind, and keep it running on the right course.

    In our current culture which is full of consumerism, materialism, and always looking for ways to make the next dollar, your soul needs to be reminded of what is right and just in this world we live in.

    So, what is the right and just thing to do in our daily lives? I have a few suggestions to get you started on the right path.

  3. Attend Church every Sunday
  4. Pray
  5. Eat healthy foods
  6. Drink in moderation
  7. Stay close to family and friends
  8. Work hard
  9. Listen to people
  10. Listen to God
  11. Find time for yourself
  12. Resist temptation

    I'll go over each of these 10 tips to lead a life that has meaning and leaves you feeling content, happy, and warm.

    Attend Church every Sunday

    It is good in this busy life, to devote an hour or two to sitting in church, listening to God talk to you, sing praises through songs, and meeting people who share the same faith. Church keeps you grounded with solid ethical values that will steer you in the right direction.


    In addition to attending Church at least once/week, daily prayer will help keep your spirit and soul rooted in practices that you won't regret. Having the right focus on what it means to live and love will provide meaning to your life. God operates in mysterious ways. Accept what life has to offer you and continue your journey. It's an adventure full of fun, laughter, and somtimes pain. But pain and suffering strengthens our soul. It's God's way of teaching us, of making us stronger, and giving us the knowledge and experience to survive in this world. We will get stronger and wiser.

    Eat Healthy Foods

    It's a fact of life that as we get older, we will eventually die some day. We don't know when or how. But we can do our best to prolong our life on earth by giving our bodies nutritious food to help us live a long time. Time is the one thing that is limited. The longer we have to live it, the longer we have to prove to God we are worthy of what he has to offer us in Heaven.

    Drink in Moderation

    Yes. Red wine is good for you. Enjoy a glass or two. But don't drink too much. Use it as a way to reward yourself for a good week of work, and to enjoy in the company of friends and family.

    Stay close to family and friends

    We cannot live our lives alone. We need companionship, friendship, and others to talk to and spend time with. Stay in touch with your parents, children, and your significant other. Learning to love one another allows you to learn to love each other.

    Work hard

    Put in a good honest day's work to allow you to raise a family, educate your children, and provide for retirement. Having the necessities for life allows you to focus on helping others less fortunate. When you retire, you will be working hard to do God's work until you're ready to join him in Heaven.

    Listen to People

    Listen, listen, and listen. Learn how to listen. Everyone has something to say including you. But allow the other person to tell you what they have in mind. If they know you're listening to them, they'll know you care for them.

    Listen to God

    Learning to listen to others allows you to learn to listen to God. Take advantage of a quiet, peacefull place and enjoy the moment. Listen to the land, air, breeze, surf, trees, and birds. Listen to the voice that is whispering to you. Listen to your heart. Trust in the Lord. Trust God.

    Find time for yourself

    In this busy, secular world, it's very easy to get caught up in the latest things, gadgets, technology, and sports. Which is fine, but find time to allow yourself to relax, get away from it all, by enjoying the beautiful landscaping around you, the weather, the blue skys, trees, flowers, birds, and nature. It's a treat for your spirit and soul. Allow your mind to take a vacation from the materialistic and capitalistic world. Allow yourself to be rejuvinated to continue living a good life.

    Resist Temptation

    This is probably the hardest thing to do. The world is full of opportunities to enjoy the sins of the flesh. We are all sinners. We all have enjoyed the sins of the flesh in one form or another. As you grow older and wiser, learn to resist the temptation to indulge in what pleases you physically. Choose to engage in activities that brings you closer to God. Spend more time in Church activities. Spend more time with family and friends. Live a simple life with less expensive material things. Focus on walking the right path and help others walk with you. Talk to them about the good news. Teach them from your experiences. Help them to choose wisely. Evangelize!

Welcome to my third enlightenment site


I'm glad you chose to check out my website! I hope you enjoy reading this short essay on acceptance, love, and forgiveness and that this may be the start of a lot of good dialogue between you and me!

Please email me at: dennis@acceptloveforgive.com.

Thank You!

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